Monday, March 28, 2016

March 27, 2016 - Day 9

Today was a 'zero' day.  In trail-speak, that means that no advancement was made on the trail.  However, today was Easter and that made it much more than a zero kind of day.

The day started with an interdenominational Easter sunrise service. 

Later that morning, they attended the Easter service at the local McConnell Baptist Church.  The church had a beautiful service with a huge choir and orchestra.  The church seats 700 and it was full!  They post their sermons online and I look forward to listening to their Easter sermon once it is posted.

The weather report was for possible rain that evening, so they stayed one more night and spent the afternoon relaxing and watching movies about the Appalachian Trail that were on YouTube.  Now I have to admit I found this ironic...and I'm not sure if knowing what is ahead of you is good or bad.  Dennis definitely knows what is coming, so I guess it is only fair that Ken and IWOX do, too.

The plan is to make the North Carolina border tomorrow.


  1. Finally caught up with your blog. Thank you for doing such a nice job. Keep hiking Ken! Very proud of you.

  2. Finally caught up with your blog. Thank you for doing such a nice job. Keep hiking Ken! Very proud of you.
